Nov 23, 2003

                                        2:00 p.m. eastern/11:00 p.m. pacific


Here we go again.  No long speeches or anything of the sort this time around.  If you're unfamiliar with the format or you'd like to review all of the particulars with respect to how the game is played, simply glance over the rules prior to participating (which also includes a little of the game's history and basic strategy tips), then come join in on the fun!.

Here are a few specifics about the RnR event itself:

  • Please make every effort to have all the tracks required for the event.  The host may ask those who don't have all the required tracks to leave.

  • We recommend that rooms be limited to 6 players max to minimize launching problems, 2-n-1 truck syndrome, and lag, however, the residing host has the call on that.

  • Also, you must have the patch----> MTM2 Patch

If you have any questions, drop us a line and we'll be sure to answer any and all questions promptly



SLO Pace



Maple Grove



Crazy 98 

 Breakneck Ridge