August 30, 2001 - Yeah,'s been a while since I've made a post, but hey...I'm busier than the President lately, but I ain't pullin' in near the amount of bucks he is!! Anyway, I'm hear to talk about one thing and one thing only; knockin' heads. • Here at SLO HQ we have a number of exceptional truck masher-uppers, however, four of them are what I refer to as "elite rumblerteers": Christy, nOct3rn4l, The SuperStar (N8), & NoXcape (one of our interns finishing up his Master's Degree in SLO-otomy.) The aforementioned foursome have combined for some outstanding results in tourneys of late, and since I'm sooooooooooo far behind in my posts, I'm going to lump 'em all together for ya! Here they are: • VTR endorsed, 2 vs 2 Hypercube featuring +Storm_Maker as the host: 1st pl - SLO_N8 & NoXcape 2nd pl - SYR_Demigod & SYR_FOO 3rd pl - ROX_SS & ROX_SLAM
• Christy didn't give me all the info, so all I know is it was a 1 vs 1 Hypercube. Yeah, she's pretty much useless at times. Hehehe. Here's how this one panned out:
1st pl - SLO_nOct3rn4l 2nd pl - SYR_F150 3rd pl - ZO_2wheel
• Here's more of Christy's super informative info: Saturday afternoon, 2 vs 2 rumble. Hehe - no host name, no time (cept that generic "Sat afternoon" crap), no endorsing official...dang!!! Thanks for....very little!
1st pl - WTC_james & WTC_Tmoney 2nd pl - SLO_Christy & SYR_Demigod 3rd pl - ESX_Hemisphere & Ti_427_Rat
• Ok now here's how you do it, Crusty: August 28th, 2001 - 2 vs 2 Spur Tourney on The Cube featuring +__BoZZ__ as the host. The final standings were as follows: (You taking notes...little girl? Hehehe--she's gonna kill me)
1st pl - SLO_nOct3rn4l & SLO_N8 2nd pl - ZO_2wheel & AMF_Doobie 3rd pl - FIRE_PrEDaToR & FIRE_RunoverU
• On behalf of Team SLO, I would like to congratulate all of the podium finishers listed above. Special congrats go out to our SLOsters (and soon to be SLOster) for putting on what was nothing short of a rumbling clinic!! Way to guy you guys!!!! (yes, even you, Crusty)! J
August 21, 2001 - Anyone who's been on this team for any length of time has heard me talk of SCAT and how he's the coolest cat on the team - bar none. Christy at one time was his female counterpart, but she got kinda mouthy and started calling me names (oh, and she pushed me down once, too!). Well, it just so happens I may have someone who could give 'ole "Crusty Christy" a lesson or twenty in how to be lady! • Allow me to introduce SLO's most recent hopeful: noemi_officer!!! She has style, class, she's extremely poised...she's great!! I know I made the analogy in an e-mail to the team that she was "SCAT in a dress" (hopefully it's a nice dress, SCAT... either way though, it's not a pretty visual), but I made that comparison to denote her personality, character, and irresistible charm. There's no doubt in my mind you'll like her as much as I do once you spend a little time chatting and getting to know her. After conversing with this fabulous young lady you'll want find that Crusty and punch her right in the mouth! Hehe--well, that's what I wanted to do, anyway. • Her trial became effective on Aug 20, 2001, hence on Sept 10, 2001 we'll find out if she'll be sporting a brand new SLO jacket, one of the leather ones, just in time for the fall! J Best of luck to ya, Noemi!!! August 20, 2001 - I'm convinced that although rumbling is a good thing, and rumblers are good people (well...hehehe), they seem to absorb waaaaaaaay too much cranial punishment in these tourneys. It's next to impossible to get a straight answer out of these guys after several games of knockin' heads. At any rate, the reason we're all gathered her today is to talk about a guy I've known going on 2 years now. I've called him the quintessential MTMer, the ultimate competitor who's been able to excel on both sides of this game!! • It was a one-on-one...well, let me give you N8's version. He and I had a little "tiff" regarding whether or not he sent the info to me regarding this affair. I know he didn't; he "thinks" he did. Here's the absent minded professor himself, The SuperStar: "Dang it!!! I know I sent it 'cause I think the host was +Brittleclutch, and I don't even know if that was right LOL. The results were: 1st Place - SLO_N8 2nd Place - ZOcTwoStroke 3rd Place - ZO_2wheel 4th Place - SLO_nOct3rn4l
It was the day before me and NoX won that 2 on 2 tourney...I think." Yeah, thanks N8!! It doesn't get any more definitive than that, let me tell ya. (geez) Still, congrats on a heck of a win, bud...I think. Hehehe Also, he didn't capture an "official" podium position, however, he threw in a heck of an effort and came out in fourth. Way to go, nOct!! August 16, 2001 - The format: 2 on 2 rumble hosted by +LOD_charless. The place: Hypercube The result: Another virtuoso performance by Team SLO. • Our newest hopeful joined forces with the The Superstar and showed that he's more than just another pretty face sporting a cape (hehe--I'm sure to hear about this cape business again). This guy is without question "all that" on the cube, and I know from first-hand experience! NoXcape_sK is the name, and you can best believe you'll be seeing it up here often. Yep, just keep washing and waxing my truck and I'll slap your name up here every chance I get! Hehehe--ok maybe not. NoX, HUGE congrats to you and N8 on your tourney win, bud. Somebody had to carry N8 through to end...and I'm tired of doing it! Congrats to the 2nd and 3rd place finishers, as well!! Here are the official particulars: 1st Place - NoXcape_sK & SLO_N8 2nd Place - FIRE_Riddler & FIRE 2fAsT_4_U 3rd Place - WTCc_james & WTC_LiL_MaN August 15, 2001 - You know, it's a great feeling to win a tourney, to battle your way to the finals and capture the championship trophy. The nOct3rnl One & the Caped Crusader (he's really gonna get sick of me making fun of his name...but so what, he's a rumbler, and I'm a racer - he can't catch me!) teamed up and won...some tournament against...some players. Yeah, as embarrassing as it is, those fools can't remember who they played in the finals, let alone who they beat up on along the way. At any rate, NoX/nOc...IF you guys really did rumble that night, and IF you really did win a tourney...congrats to you both! Hehehe--geez, it's a terrible thing to be young these days...I guess. August 11, 2001 - Peaks & valleys, lows & highs...pretty much sums up life in general, wouldn't you say? Ahhhh, but TEAM SLO is about to "peak" at an all-time "high", for I'm here to announce the coming of FOUR (yep, you heard me - FOUR) new prospects!!! Yeah baby, these are the kinds of posts I LOVE to do! Allow me to introduce our SLO "Interns": CagedLordVamp • Outlaw_Raz • Vickie_Lee_ • NoXcape_sK I haven't had the pleasure of meeting NoX, but hey - any guy who wears a cape is A-OK in my book!! Hmmm...let's see, for simplicity sake I think we'll make the effective date of their trial August 10, 2001, which means on August 31 we'll cast a vote! Best of luck to all of you in your quest to join what we feel is THE BEST team in the MTM 2 Gaming Zone! August 11 , 2001 - SLO-ly but surely these things are catching on (I think). Admittedly, it's a tad frustrating to come up short attendance wise, but I'm determined to make this function a hit. In my mind I envision the Nitro Injection room with about 50 - 60 people; some racing, some rumbling, and some doing R-Rs. The track itinerary is laid out already, and everyone will simply go from room to room...rumbling & racing with different people...and having a ball! Easy, huh...and there's something for everyone! • The next Race-Rumble Event will take place on August 15th, 2001. If you can make it, come out and join in on the fun!! If not, don't sweat it; there'll be another one the following week! August 9, 2001 - Saw a line in a movie once where this dude says, "Hey Richie...that stuff back there with those guys; was it personal...or was it business?" Ritchie answered in a stern, low, gravel-like voice (and semi-heavy scowl), "It was personal business". Hehe-I thought that was just one of the coolest lines I've ever heard...ya know! • If you're asking yourself how that relates to MTM 2...well, it doesn't. What it does do is serve as a platform (sorta) into the topic I'm going to broach. The SupeStar and The nOctrn4l One teamed up in a recent 2 on 2 romp on the cube hosted by +BlackOut. Cutting to the chase, their chief rivals were: XXX_BBaker/SYR_FaLcOn, XXX_TAKEuOUT/XXX_D_Lady, and XXX_ViPsTeR77/XXX_CooN. Hehe--yeah, three XXX teams were in attendance (one of their members we know well...or thought we did) and our very own dynamic duo took all of em out!!! Here's how it came out in the wash: 1. SLO_N8 & SLO_nOct3rn4l 2. XXX_ViPsTeR77 & XXX_Coon 3. ZOc_Sandfobs & FIRE_BlueThunder Much congrats to you guys on an absolutely superb tourney win...and with incredible competition, to boot!! But I'm left wondering, N8/nOct - was it personal...or was it business? Hehehe August 4, 2001 - Last month we kicked off what's now known as "Race-Rumble Events". These functions, which were formally "SLO exclusive", are now open to the entire Zone. Furthermore, we've joined forces with other teams (ATW, LS6, OLD, to name a few), taking input from all in hopes of making this venture a success. Check em out - they're great fun!! |