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by SLO_COPE » Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:46 pm
Got a bunch of old screenshots I'll be putting in here. In the old forum we had a thread called "Candid Camera", which had quite a few stories plus pics. This will be a toned down version of that thread.

_SE7EN was actually Vipa. Not known for being much a player, but he was supposedly pretty good at hacking computers lol.
FFE_uLtRaMaX, if I recall, used to be on NIR, then went solo for a while before landing on SLO. Great guy (like me lol), and a hell of a racer (not like me - better).
This was a screenie I took of MaX typing in the room I was camping out in long after I'd gone to bed. Apparently he was up runnin' laps late, got himself a HoF (Hall of Fame) lap on something - wish I could remember the track.

Christy, who's SLO_n0ct3rn4l wife, was pretty much a pure rumbler, and a damn good one. There was a time when she would barely utter a peep. Needless to say after five or so years she started to loosen up.
We mostly had a love-hate-hate-more hate relationship. All jokes aside, Christy was awesome - loved her to pieces!
SLO_3B - one of the original 11 SLO members was . . . put it this way: the only people who liked 3B were on the team, and even that was subject to change from day-to-day lol. For about 3 years his sole purpose in life was to beat N8 on Z-M-X or Psyched Out (a track we used to run the hell out of before becoming a team). Heck of a fun guy that 3B - hope he & his family are doing well.
One of the trademarks of our team was how much we were respected by others.Round 1 is in the books! I'll be back with more later!
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- Joined: Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:36 pm
by SLO_COPE » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:56 pm
CH_2005 mostly hung out at MTMG (which is where I met him). Really cool guy who authoried a couple of really nice utilities for MTM, one of which I still use: Podswap. It allows you to create track lists, then swap between them at the click of a button (or two depending on how you set it up). as upstaged by Phin's Cowpod, which touted a number of bells and whistles, but Podswap's simplicity is all I ever needed. Anyway, I loveIt wd the irony that played out on that day where he was having technical difficulties with a program he developed, so I recommended he use our tutorial lol.
It was SLO_Kathy's "always a lady" demeanor that won us over, earning her a spot on the team almost instantly lol. Really miss that lady - fun to play with, great teammate, genuinely kind (most days) . . . horrible racer, not much better as a rumbler lol. But hey, we never cared about that stuff anyway.
Always had fun talking to Gutterboy (GB) and his brother, PreacheR. I called Preach "Jr." to remind him he was beneath me, that I looked down upon him, that if he was lucky I might let him lick the dirt off my shoes, etc. As for the little chat session above, the best part was the emoticon at the end lol.
Nanoo was one of those dudes who didn't say much, but man was he fast. You get him on the right track and he could flat out fly. On top of that his laid back demeanor & suave good looks got him a lot of attention from ALL the ladies. Hell, even SLO_VYPER (my wife) had a crush on him lol. The pic above was on the day of our reunion nearly 10 years ago today (which is freakin' amazing). 
Speaking of the reunion, here are a couple of screenies I had forgotten about. The highlight, of course, being when I booted N8 for verbal abuse lol. I just noticed the "just LAUNCH" by Fila. I shoulda booted that little punk, too!
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- Joined: Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:36 pm
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