Bobsled Rally

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 Bobsled Rally

 Replay by Jumper: 15 med work good here. Since instant replay only register a few seconds at a time, i could only show important shorts in 4 replay.

 Bobsledshort1: Right after cp 1, line up left of the building and jump just right of the road sign. Then, line up in approx 45 degree angle and jump back on the road. This short take a few practice run but is worthed.

 Bobsledshort2part1: after cp8 line up to climb across the left side of the track. There is a small gap in the montain. line up in the midle of it and jump on the track.

 Bobsledshort2part2: keep going down untill you get to the crossroad and turn left at the junction. You're on your way to cp9

 Bobsledshort3: After cp 20 turn left and take the paved road. ( road dont show on map) follow it to the finish line.